Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Project 365 New Things: Day 5

Long day today. My adventures included making ad hoc cookies, carrying home a dog, and wondering via spontaneous song what lunar dust tastes like. But, more importantly, today I invented a new kind of ice tea for my fifth new thing.

Now, a bit of background.

I actually have many strange and somewhat useless hobbies/skills. These include such things as being able to catch escaped crickets like a ninja, interpreting the body language of geckos and playing a mean game of Pacman. The useless skill that has relevance in this situation, however, is my ability to make tea out of fresh ingredients. I have an absolute mania for tea. I took this obsession to the next level by planting a tea garden, in which I grow several kinds of mint, lemon verbena, and stevia (a plant that is used as a natural sweetener).

And now, the recipe for my new kind of ice tea:

Fresh mint (I used chocolate mint (yes, such a thing exists), pineapple mint, garden mint, spearmint, and a type called Kentucky Colonel).

Stevia leaves

Two black tea bags


Vanilla extract

I heated up some water on the stove, chopped up all the leafy things and put them in a tea ball infuser, and put it in the boiling water. I added the two prepackaged tea bags, some honey, and just a tiny bit of vanilla (do NOT overdo the vanilla with this one). I let it steep, put it in the fridge and iced it. It was actually really delicious.

As always, let me know about what you've been doing and share any ideas with me, if you feel so inclined.

Until tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome, Maddie. This is what I did today:
    Can't wait to see you... sometime!


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