Monday, July 1, 2013

Greetings and Rantings (and Fabulous Hats)

Hello there! Welcome to my blog. This is my first time here as well as yours, so if this turns out to be terrible, we will suffer together, my friend.

I had a blog before this one. On it, I documented my various artistic endeavors. (You can check it out if you want: However, because it was so specific in content, I hardly ever posted anything. For many months now, poor Singing Dragons has sat all by itself, reminiscing of better days and probably writing sentimental poetry, in the hopes that one day-- one, golden day that will live on forever in the memory of the internet-- I will return, and post things on it again. If you do visit Singing Dragons, please don't tell it that I now have a new blog. That would only break its poor, electronic heart, and I don't think I could live with myself after that.

This blog will include many posts about the art that I do, just because that is such a huge part of my life, but I'll also write about all sorts of other things that I make happen or that happen to me. Here's a photo from a Doctor Who episode that pretty much sums up what this blog (and Doctor Who, for that matter), is like:

This seemed to me to be an appropriate description, because I am incredibly varied in my interests, and so that will inevitably be reflected on this blog. I am just as likely to spend the morning watching Veggie Tales videos on YouTube as I am to spend it making Steampunk hats or writing music or reading about art history or... well, you get the idea.

So! If you don't know me in real life, you're probably wondering what I'm like, and if you're not, too bad, because I'm going to tell you anyway.

My name is Maddie. I'm 16. I'm homeschooled. I have passions for Shakespeare, acting, music, jazz, piano, singing, ukuleles, tea, photography, steampunk, hat-making, animals, traveling, reading, writing, hairstyling, plants, languages, Doctor Who, fantasy, sci-fi, Harry Potter, Sherlock, art history, music theory, teaching children things, swing dance, the 1940s, literature, sketching, and the out-of-doors. I am weirdly good at blacksmithing and I still climb on things like a little kid. I'm a Christian. I like to think I'm good at composing music, and I'm probably right to do so. I dislike haters, but I love hatters (particularly those of the mad variety). I love my friends, and I made the hat I'm wearing in this photo. I'm goofy. I'm shy. I'm not afraid to make an idiot out of myself (and in fact, I rather enjoy doing so whenever the opportunity presents itself). My outlook is that you can't take life too seriously, or you won't get enough time to enjoy it.

Ta ta for now,



  1. Nice first post. I suppose since you're a nice person and we're friends I'll follow. (That and I always died laughing reading the posts on your old blog. But that's irrelevant.)
    This is the part where I DON'T mention fencing... ;)

  2. Might I also mention I find it *slightly* amusing that you have a picture of a guitar in your banner picture, even though you don't know how to play guitar...

    1. Dear reader, whom I have no contact with whatsoever in real life and have never even heard of before today:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Its eloquence struck a chord in my heart that will ring forever. I would like to make a small correction, though: what you are seeing is not a guitar. It is a ukulele. It is, in fact, none other than the very same ukulele you may or may not have seen on my back every time we are in the same room together. Which we never are, because I don't know you from Adam.

  3. (Nor does that previous reader know Adam, I suspect.) I'm more curious about hat making animals, though. I hope to read more about them in this blog.


Let me know what you think about whatever it is I've just posted. Be nice. This includes not using unwarranted, unnecessary, and unneeded apostrophes.